Plates for Plate Heat Exchangers

ParaWeld - Welded Pairs of Plates

EasyFlow Plates
EasyFlow plates provide minimal flow resistance. The plates have an increased channel cross-section, a reduced number of contact points and are used for media containing fibers or cellulose, for viscous media and emulsions. They provide a minimum temperature head.

EnergySaver Plates

DuoSafety Plates
DuoSafety is an early warning system designed to detect leaks early and allow the end user to take precautions against mixing fluids. Plates are stamped from two sheets of steel foil in one press pass. They have lower thermal performance.

DuraFlow Plates
DuraFlow plates provide low flow resistance, the channels have an average number of plate contact points, the channel diameter is 9.3 mm. They have an advantage when there is a large temperature head, low admissible hydraulic resistance, when using viscous media.
Plate heat exchangers for hygienic applications are designed for efficient heating and cooling of mechanically sensitive products in processes with increased hygienic requirements. Such heat exchangers consist of a set of stainless steel plates combined into a single structure. Such a structure can consist of several packages of plates that make up separate sections, in which various stages of processing are carried out – for example, primary heating, main heating and cooling. Hot water performs the function of the heating medium, while the cooling medium functions – are performed by cold water, ice water or propyl glycol depending on the required outlet temperature of the product.